Saturday, 31 December 2011

... a scarf

I decided Dan needed a new scarf for Christmas and I was the person to make it for him.  I am really pleased with the way it turned out but it was a monster of a thing to try and do in secret - I think I will make the next scarf more publically and in a more relaxed fashion - this was a bit of a last minute rush!

Also note, as promised a view of the mini jestrs hat in all it's glory!

... a mini jesters hat

I don't really know why I like making mini hats, but I do - they are brilliant!  I have been long meaning to add a mini jesters hat to Dan's collection of mini hats and here it is in all it's mini glory.  In the next post you will see a photo of it in use illustrating quite how wonderful having a mini hat in your life can be.

More mini hats in 2012 - thats a promise!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

... an embroidery for Kate

I haven't done embroidery for years apart from details on a few toys.  For my birthday the lovely Kate (Dan's sister) bought me some V&A pattern books, beautiful little books made by the Victoria and Albert Museum (as far as I am concerned one of the best places in the world) full of patterns from wallpaper and fabric etc they own in their collection.  I wanted them to use as inspiration for a range of craft projects and what better way to say thankyou than making the first project for Kate's Christmas present.

The design is based on a Lewis Foreman Day / Jeffrey and Co.wallpaper titled 'Memphis'from 1887-1900.  I changed the colous as Kate loves purple (and so do I and it is always nice to love the colours you are using - I think it makes me enjoy the making even more).  I am pleased with the design and the stitchwork and am already having thought about more embroidery this space!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

... Pixie Hats

Here is the first of a series of posts containing my Christmas makes.  I was pondering what to post first and then it turned out to be Tuesday - renamed Pixie Tuesday in my house after the wonderful postings of Wellington Drawe.  I was lucky enough to get a Wellington Drawe original pixie drawing for my birthday which I love to bits and so for Christmas I sent Wellington Drawe a pixie hat based on one on a post detailing pixie hat styles and a mini mini fez for a pixies favourite, Osterwald.  As you can see from his blog the pixies and indeed Wellington Drawe seemed pleased with their gifts. 

I also made Wellington Drawe a mini fez of his own so hopefully Osterwald and he can enjoy the coming year wearing fezes and eating liquorice together.  Enjoy, my fine fellows!