Sunday, 17 July 2011

... black crowes

For the eagle eyed amongst you these might seem familiar - they are a version of Birdy that I made earlier this year.  These were also a present for Dan's birthday (yes - I do seem to just make him toys - may need to consider this!).

I made Chris and Rich (that's their names) as we went to see the Black Crowes this week on Dan's birthday which was super fantastic.  As the pattern I used for Birdy also had a crow version a pair of black crowes to mark seeing the Black Crowes seemed appropriate.  I scaled the pattern down and produced a pair of small little sweeties.  They are about 8cm tall with out the legs and were quite a challenge to sew being that small!

It can be tricky to know if people like the gifts you make for them but one of these (Chris I believe) got painted as painting of the day on Dan's birthday as part of his DanYoungDaily blog.  I will take it he liked them!

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